When it comes to BIM

Main 9 Blog 9 When it comes to BIM

Aug 16, 2022
Posted by Maria Begouleva

When it comes to BIM technology one can endlessly talk about it diving into the variety of aspects connected with lifecycle phases of a facility.

A lot of companies with diverse competences are involved in BIM activities which ultimate goal is effective sustainable work of the facility, lean consumption and greener future.

The example given describes an energy modeling case related to a simulation of the energy consumption of one of the floors in the business center (an office space) with a typical load.

The energy modeling was performed drawing on a digital twin model developed initially.
We have drawn up our experience in 4D modeling in a video case based on a project performed for a Mining plant.

We are involved in the process to the best of our competences, delivering added value at the stages where we can apply or adjust our capacity and gathered experience.

So, by doing our part efficiently

– Digital Engineering
– Developing BEP, EIR
– Consulting & Project management on construction site
– Integrated IT services (AEC)

we create a sustainable future 🙂

Digital Engineering


Maria Begouleva
Director of Engineering (CTO), PMtech Group